Female steroids

What are female steroids?

For some reason, it is generally accepted in the world that bodybuilding is not a woman's occupation. Although, in fact, the number of women who are professionally involved in sports today is not inferior to the number of male athletes. They also train hard, follow a specific diet, and face the same challenges as bodybuilders of the opposite sex.

At some point, women also have a period when training stops giving results. Then athletes start looking for suitable steroids for women, but there are not so many of them. Most anabolic steroids are contraindicated for the fair sex due to their high androgenic activity.

Hormonal drugs are used to treat cancer and other ailments in women quite often, but even with the appointment of a doctor, the patient is not immune from side effects. What, then, about taking androgenic-anabolic steroids?

Nevertheless, the fair sex often takes anabolic steroids. This is primarily due to the fact that the characteristics of the female body and the amount of hormones in it do not allow athletes to independently achieve a natural increase in muscle tissue in the desired quantities.

The effect of taking steroids in women is as follows:

- muscle hypertrophy - an increase in the volume of muscle tissue;

- burning of body fat;

- increase in strength and endurance;

- increased self-esteem (this is facilitated by the psychotropic effect of androgens);

- increased libido.